TDC Gaming Blog

Welcome to the TDC Gaming Blog. I use this blog to provide information about Xbox games that I play, updates that might be happening to a game. Sometimes I will just add information about the game such as where Xur might be hiding in Destiny or when there might be Double XP in Call of Duty. I might even post game reviews on up gaming games or Beta's, the sky is the limit.

Categories: Path of Exile

POE 2 Network Lag Fix Path of Exile 2.Go to Options and then select Game.Click on the folder icon next to ‘Item Filter.’Folder iconNow, close the game.In the folder, open the

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Categories: Path of Exile

Chaos Orb Recipe Item Filter

In the filter section of a stash tab, type in "item level: ([6][0-9]|[7][0-4])". This will filter on items that have level item of 60 thru

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Categories: Path of Exile

Path of Building

Path of Building is used display a build in POE. Here is the website for the path of building.Path of

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Contact Me

Please take a look around the site and enjoy. If you notice anything that is broken or misspelled or just in general that isn't right, let me know. I would love to hear from you. I do my best to put all the pieces of the site together, but I do miss things now and again.

Thank You

Thank you to all the Rapidweaver designers out there helping us non designers to create awesome looking websites, we could not do it without you. Also thank you to family and friends who support my efforts while I mess around with my websites.